File your crash report online!
De Wet De Villiers
Did you know that you can now file your accident or crash report online?
It’s true! You no longer have to stand in long queues at the Police Station to report an accident. Instead, you can file your own report online on the National Traffic Information System website. Here is the link:
But before you start, take note of the following Terms and Conditions and/or ensure that your crash report meets the following criteria:
- 1This submission of a crash report will be legally binding.
- 2All crashes must be reported within 24 hours or the next working day. (Non-working days include: Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays)
- 3The system will provide the user with an automatically generated Crash Report Number (CRN) for insurance claims.
- 4The system will only allow for the reporting of minor damage crashes.
- 5Crashes which include a person or persons being injured, killed or involved in a hit and run accident/crash must be reported immediately to the nearest Municipal/Metro Police, Traffic Department (MMT) office or South African Police Service (SAPS) station.
- 6All crashes involving 5 or more vehicles must be reported at your nearest South African Police Services (SAPS).
- 7The information submitted by you can be made available to your insurance service provider.
- 8The reporting of the crash service is free. RTMC reserves the right to charge entities or persons to access the data at a later stage.
Once on the system, you have to confirm that you are sure that the crash you are reporting complies with the Terms and Conditions above, then you can click “Accept & Continue” to file your report.
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